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From time to time works will be added on this page that have not appeared before on this website. This page will continue to be a work in progress.

"Sheep and 'Shep' " 12" x 12" graphite on paper. Winner of "Best of Northwest Colorado", Meeker Classic Sheepdog Trials International Art Show.

" BC / AC : Cowgirl at the Cross" 30" x 40" oil on cnavas. Recently won a Judges Award for oil painting.


"Passion and Purpose".20" x 24", oil on canvas.

" 'Big T' on Fire". 11" x 14". graphite on paper.

"Mounting Tension", 11" x 12". graphite and colored pencil on paper.


"Not a Cowdog? Bite Your Tongue". 12" x 14". graphite on paper.

"Pickup Man" 8" x 10". graphite on paper
